When I think about the original disciples, I know that they were chosen by God to witness miracles, be equipped by the best to spread the gospel and be challenged to leave their homes and families to embark on their work. They were far from perfect but rose to the occasion to share God’s love and grace with everyone.
But I also wonder if the disciples ever got tired of all that walking. How about when they needed to get off early that day? Or when they needed a nap from all that work? Did they ever feel like they didn't want to show up? I know I do.
I found my answers in the Bible, and they gave me peace that I am only human:
Matthew 26:39-40 - Jesus was praying and when he came back to camp he asked Peter, "Couldn't you keep watch with me for one hour?” Yep, the disciples fell asleep! They could have been tired, right?
Matthew 14:15 - The disciples want to send people away, (you know the 5000 Jesus fed?) They said "This is a remote place, and it's already getting late. Send the crowds away..." The poor guys must have wanted to leave early that day. Also, there is no Costco to get that much food for everyone! Maybe they forgot who they are working with... Jesus!
Mark 10:13 – “People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them." Okay, this is not okay...but, hear me out: if you have children like me or work with children, you can wonder if the disciples were having a hard time getting the parents and children to follow directions so everyone could have a turn. I am just saying that they have had enough! (But we know this is not okay with Jesus.)
We all have been chosen to do something. At our jobs, as a parent, as a family member, in church, as a volunteer, you name it, we all have tasks to complete. Time never stops because we are tired, burned out or we simply don't want to.
We had a family stop at the Prom Closet to get dresses. This was an appointment outside our regular hours, and I remember that day I was not feeling well myself and Tammy was with me. I can't remember if she had just come from work, but I am pretty sure she had and was tired, too.
Requests for special appointments are not unusual. They can be hard at times because sometimes people don't show up or can be very late. But they can also be rewarding. Either way, God always has lessons, but I don't always do a good job of recognizing that until much later.
Anyway, we found the dresses for everyone. Tammy was bagging the dresses while I cleaned up the dressing rooms when I heard Tammy say "Yes, we have wedding dresses." All I could do was think God is not done but I am.
We head over to the back room and start looking for wedding dresses. Wedding dresses are something I try to stay away from receiving in the prom closet. They are the "children'' that I tend to reject because they are heavy and take up a lot of space.
We found two dresses we thought would work for this sweet bride. (Did I mention that she was going to get married that weekend three days after the appointment?) My heart was beating fast because our bride couldn't make any adjustments to the dress because she didn't have enough time. She tried the first dress and that was a no. I started to get nervous. We only had one more shot at this and we needed a homerun.
She tried on the second dress, and she looked amazing! That dress was perfect for her! Her aunt who raised her was there, too. She was anxious and happy for her, too. The emotions in the room I can't describe. This sweet bride ended with her beautiful dress, shoes, and jewelry to accent and we also found a tuxedo for the groom!
But she almost walked out with a blessing halfway done. I learned that my attitude doesn't stop God from blessing others! I am so thankful for Tammy, and I know she feels the same way about me because just like the disciples, we often fall short of the grace of God but we catch each other so the blessings coming from God are never halfway done!
God brings it all together.