Saturday, July 29, 2017

Christmas in July

Monday I got a phone call from FiFi's:

“We have a few prom dresses for you…  (pause) ... around 60." 

What?! I know I should be used to it by now but it feels like Christmas morning every time! God continues to surprise us here at the Prom Closet!

Chris and I picked up the dresses and when we brought them back to the church, we were determined to get them all in one trip.  I am glad no one was around to video us struggling to carry all those dresses, walking like ducks up to the Closet, and dropping them all along the way.

Thursday, I got a phone call from Hope House about someone who needed a dress.   As the director asked me about how the last prom season went, I told her about all the great things that had happened:  the many walk ins we had, the children's hospital, the fashion shows for the elderly and …

I knew her wheels were turning because she interrupted me by saying "Fashion show? I wish we could do that for our women at Hope House!”

(I might of have said something like "That would be a great idea! We have all the dresses they need")… OK… I did say that…

We started brain storming (and I might have said to "call me back if you want to do it")... OK… I did say that too.

She said “Yes I am going to call you for sure.  When is your down time for the season?”

My first thought was that we would want to do this all during the season.  Kind of like Chris and I trying to carry all the dresses in one trip.  It dawned on me then that God was saying “the load is too much.”  Trying to carry the load all at one time we might drop something.  We might miss the best parts!

I love how God is using this ministry to reach people during every season and from all walks of life.  The best part is He allows us to see that!

- Aileen

Friday, July 7, 2017


The other day I stopped by the Prom Closet to drop off some donations and stood in the doorway of the “war room” for a little “me moment.”

“How are we going to get all this done?  How many more dresses can we take?” I thought.  Staring at the piles of dresses, standing with my hands on my hips, shaking my head and wondering how we were going to do it, Christian snapped me out of it.

“Mama, I think God has many girls in mind for next year,” he said.  I turned to see his arms full of dresses and I realized that each one of them represents smiles, beauty, and tears for the girl that God has already picked out.

As usual, God put me back on track pretty quick.  All I saw was a mess and endless work.  God sees a chance to share his unending love, grace, beauty, and eternal life. 

-          Aileen