Sunday, January 7, 2018

I know God answers prayer.... but emails, too??

While I was picking up prom dresses donated at Lydia’s Loft, I get a message saying a bridal shop has a few dresses that they would like to donate. When I contacted them and made arrangements to pick up the dresses, I did not ask how many there were.

You see “Larry Boy” my Veggitale Jeep does not have a lot of room.  (I was kind of afraid to know how many there were.)

The volunteer who gave me the message told me later “oh by the way, they mentioned a hundred dresses.”  I thought, we can put 100 dresses inside Larry Boy, no problem.

I was in for a surprise.  I arrived at the bridal shop this morning and loaded them up. Did I mention the dresses were in boxes? Luckily I mom and I have been training by playing Tetris for years and we were able to arrange the boxes like Tetris Masters.

You are probably wondering what all this has to do with God replying to my email?

When I told the volunteers we are having our first workday I believe He just wanted to make sure we have enough work to keep us busy.

Replying in the form of 121 brand new dresses and 17 pairs of shoes!

- Aileen

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